This will be the first time all five us have gone camping in our 17 foot trailer. We will take the m

Get the leashes! We're ready to roll!
Recognize those two saints? I do 'cause they are some of my favorite buds. You can find out about their lives at It's the Dogs Life and the competitions they are enrolled in. I just thought Saints lived on mountains and rescued skiers but apparently there is a lot more to them. The other thing that I have come to learn is that if I were standing next to a St. Bernard I would barely come up to their shoulder. That is a little bit intimidating but I could always run under them and nip their tummies. Not that I would of course! But I need to have a good defence in line just in case. (I had a bad experience with some big dogs at daycare who bit my little Corgi butt and I still get a case of the jitters around big dogs until I know them).
With neighbors likes Sparky we can all sleep better at night knowing our northern border is protected and under the watchful gaze of this small, yet amazing, canine extraordinaire! So pick up your webby award Sparky and accept our patriotic thanks to you and all the other folks who call British Columbia home. (Please send us some fish and chips please by overnight delivery and I can guarantee you more awards once I figure out how to get make boxes on the puter and color them in with my paws!)
So, to make this palatable, I got on the computer and made a blog award of my very own to give out to the blogs which have made me see the errors of my Corgi ways (yeah right!)
The first blog to win this coveted award is...(drum roll please)...Willow the Black Dale! (big surprise yes?!)
Why has Willow won this much sought after award? Because he is blogging even while his family is two-timing him at Grandmas! BOL! That is incredible devotion to blogging even as his heart is breaking (sob!). We honor you Willow for your perserverence and courage in the face of such heartbreak! Wear your award proudly! We love ya!
My Uncle Alex said this video is enough
to make you want to take nap. Cooper
loves his morning nap after he has had breakfast
and a break outside. After Mum shot this, Coop
went right back to sleep. Mum loves it
because you can almost feel how soft Cooper is.
Personally, I think Mum is getting just a tad
soft in the head. Next video better be of me.
Cooper and Dottie took their chewies outside and then Coop came back in and parked behind a chair and chewed. I ate mine on the couch and then got a second one to keep me occupied while everyone else ate theirs. Would have preferred the loaf of bread but you know Mothers...they have these food budgets and they don't like to share. How fun is that?
Mum emailed the Canidae folks to see if they hand out coupons for their kibble. We are racing through a bag a month and it would be nice to have some help if the company has such things. Not that Mum would change brands - Cooper and Dottie like it and it is easy for them to eat. And I am partial to it as well. Actually, I am partial to any fud, alive or dead.