Monday, September 29, 2008
Again I Hit the Tabloids
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ever Wonder?

Well, that pretty winds up the photo-logue for this evening. I think we have all learned a valuable lesson - leave Mum's pictures on her phone, these are incredibly boring - except for the pictures of me of course.
Coop in Print!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This One is For You Moco!

Die Little Candy Cane, Die!

Monday, September 22, 2008
We Can't Wait!

The other blog we read every morning is Scott and Carol Decker's blog (click to read). Again, another testimony to resilience of people in the face of incredible adversity. Carol was just going into the hospital have her second daughter and everything went south (as Mum would say). Carol is now blind and has had to have her left hand and both legs amputated due to incredible complications for pneumonia that went out of control. Now that all sounds terrible but as Mum pointed out to us, never in any entry (not a one) do you hear "Why me" or "Why us?". Nary a note of downheartedness, not a sliver of "this is not fair". We aren't sure what Scott does for a job but he has a big source of energy and faith. And Mrs. Decker (his Mum) is right there in the trenches too and we suspect she is a big source of strength.
Anyway, Mum reads these blogs to us every morning to remind us that it is "not all about us" (I think not!) and to remember to keep Carol, Stephanie, Courtney and Christian and all their families in our morning prayers. And of course this is distressing because I have had to move my treat requests down the list and I am not sure God will see them. Mum says God doesn't need to be wastin' His time on my treat requests. (I think He might be interested). Be sure to check out both blogs and the benefit sale (click below).
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Finally, We Can Catch Up!
Mum took Cooper to Portland last weekend to see Aunt Delight and Uncle Dick. Our cousin Tori, who is 15 years old was there and once again proved that power napping is not for the weak of heart. She is full of vim and vigor and still does a one mile walk each day. Of course she still hates other dogs but she tolerates Cooper. Me? She really cannot stand me so I rarely visit if only to live a long and healthy life!

Cooper said the food was good and there were plenty of treats. He wasn't sure what bowls he was supposed to eat out of, so he ate out of all of them. Smart boy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Someone save us from our Mum!

Friday, September 12, 2008
Busy Week for Mum
Mum did set September 20th as our dog party at the house. Aunty Elaine and Aunty Joan are coming with their canines in the afternoon and we will all play in the yard. Dad isn't all that enamored of the idea but it will grow on him.
Mum found this nifty video mentioned on another blog and it shows how dogs really drink water in slow motion. The Food Bowl looks like a cool website too.
I told Mum she had to at least put one photo up with this entry so folks remember how good looking I am. I have to keep my fans satisfied!

I love to sunbathe in the afternoons, it keeps my color up!
Monday, September 8, 2008
We got a new friend

Dottie's Visit to Her Former Home

cat poo is. It ages well back there.

Dottie could watch Betty in the kitchen
and see everything that was going on.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Our blog
Mum can't get Blogger to let her upload pictures which is the pits. She took Dottie north to visit her previous owner and Mum took great pictures but Blogger keeps saying it has an internal problem. Internal problem? I'll give it internal problems! BOL!
Anyway, Mummy says she will update the blog tomorrow at lunch time. She is taking the pictures on a flash drive, whatever that is.
Willow, Howie, River and Mango: Thanks for asking if I needed to be sprung from jail. Mum makes me sit behind the fence in the car when she is driving for safety reasons. (Apparently the time I climbed in her lap and tried to kiss her face while she was negotiating a turn was not as appreciated as I thought it might be. Go figure.).
Mum has been quite giving lately. She has let Coop and me sleep on the bed with her while Dad has been gone. It has been lovely. Nothing like going beddy-bye with Mum giving me a neck massage. My Mum, I think I'll keep her.
Pictures tomorrow! Promise! (Unless Blogger let's us down).
Love, Dozer
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Corgis Galore

of running around and wanted some peace and quiet.