Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Horrors! (This is just to get your attention)

Where has the time gone? Indeed we ask that ourselves, quite often! It was a busy May for us with our Grandmother falling and fracturing her shoulder – Mum had to fly out to Chicago  to check out on Grandmummy and stayed for a whole week. We were, of course, lonely, but Dad took good care of us.

While we have been away the most shocking things have happened and we list them in no particular order:

 1.      I (Dozer) have had to go to the vet because I have rubbed my face raw due to allergies. I have another visit to the vet today because it has begun again.
2.      Cooper had a haircut.

3.      We are having a small party on July 1st for our doggie friends. Please pray that the rain stops.

4.      Grandmummy has decided to move out to Oregon so Mum is scrambling to get GM’s apartment outfitted with furniture and essentials at the assisted living hotel.

5.      It is raining incessantly here. Even if this is typical of Oregon, it is most unwelcome.

6.      Both of us have tried running away when Mummy or Dad let us out in the front yard. I made it across the street to the neighbor’s house where I pooped under their tree and pee’d on their bushes. Cooper headed straight down the street towards town and ignored all of Mum’s screaming. Eventually we were corralled home and given a stern lecture. Yeah…whatever.

Mum says we will update our blog regularly now and we ask forgiveness from our subscribers for having you let you down so terribly. I would like to remind our dear readers that we are entirely dependent on Mum to keep our blog updated and current. She is totally worthless at times and her priorities need realignment.

I am off to the vet in a few minutes and shall update you on their findings.

Dozer Edwards

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