Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Meet My Friend Patsy - Dozer's Notes

Monday, January 26, 2009
We're Back - Dozer's Notes

Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm at Camp! - Dozer

Everything was going pretty well until Mum started to leave. Coop and I waved her off - we had to get serious about getting to our kennels and meeting our pals. But Dottie hasn't been to the Farm and she didn't want Mum to leave. She followed Mum to the door and then pulled on Mum's pants so she wouldn't go. Cooper immediately felt bad and went over to her which only delayed our play time. The ladies told Mum to go and they would get Dottie inside and busy so she wouldn't miss Mum. I think they said Cooper and Dottie would bunk together, I prefer a private suite myself.
I have no idea how much the Farm costs, Mum said I shouldn't ask because my allowance will never cover it.Dad is coming to get us on Monday so we are going to get plenty of time to play. I told the staff that Mum said it was okay for me to make phone calls and to just put it on my bill. I am going to call Gerald and Janice in British Columbia and see if they will send me a case of Guiness. And then I am going to text Howie PeePants in Texas and see if his mother will send me some scrambly eggs and kibble. This may be my once chance at decent chow and I have to make a break for it!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
They Shouldn't Have - Dozer

We Celebrate! - Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sleepy Sunday - Notes from Cooper

Dozer decided to check out the napping on Mum's chair mat. There's so much room now it is scary.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Toilet Paper - Another Food Group! - Dozer

Mum thinks she is sooo funny - Dozer

I am Little Red Riding Hood, why don't you let
me carry that picnic basket for you? It looks
very heavy and I don't want you to strain yourself.
You can trust me, I won't touch a thing inside.
Potpourri - Dozer

You must go visit her blog and see her other artwork, it is just as wonderful as these two images. Click here to wander on over.

Finally, Jonquils and Ladybugs is having a giveaway today for a felted purse which I don't want but Mum seems to think would be quite nice. (Click here to see and enter). Guys don't carry purses so why Mum would think winning it would be a good idea is beyond me. Cooper says he would like it to keep his chewies in. (I think we all know this is not a good sign. Cooper needs to seek professional help because he is letting his species down!)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Let's Go Pub Crawling! - Dozer

So I thought it might be a good time to visit Gerald and Janice at their house. Their blog is so inviting and although they haven't actually asked me to visit, I can tell they really want me to stop by.
So I asked Mum if we could do a road trip up to BC to visit Gerald and Janice and go to the pub they mention in their blog. Being a Welsh Pembroke Corgi it is practically in my genes to visit pubs and they have the best snackies at these establishments. Not to mention Guinness!
So Mum sits down and looks at me and asks me if I am serious. Serious? Of course I am serious. Mum looked down her nose and said "I am not driving you hundreds of miles North to cross the Canadian border and having the custom agents ask me the purpose of my visit and have to say I am taking my corgi to a pub to meet Gerald and Janice to drink Guinness and eat snackies."
Mum's attitude mystifies me. What is wrong with a social visit to BC to have a drink? I have all my vaccinations and I am up-to-date on my shots. What is the problem here? Coop says apparently there is a big problem because Mum rolled her eyes and left the room muttering something about having an insane dog. Since Dottie is the only insane one here, I think Mum is mistaken if she thought I planned to bring Cooper and Dottie. They can stay here in Oregon and get the mail.
Janice, don't get the snackies out just yet. I'll keep working on Mum.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Save the Shredder! Too Expensive to Die!
I am not sure what Dottie thought the shredder had inside that was worth eating but she tipped over the shredder and when Dad put it back up, it kept saying "Door Open". And there was, of course, a whole lot of shredder guts on the floor. With the shredder crying "Door Open" all the time Mum and Dad couldn't use it to shred anything. Cooper thought this was hysterically funny and sat on his chair watching Dad try to fix the shredder. Finally Dad figured out that an important piece of plastic tabbing had broken off so a sensor wasn't getting punched. He jerry-rigged something together but now we have to unplug the shredder whenever it is not in use.
Mum says that even though the shredder has a smile on its little face, it is not a happy machine. Dad says that there is a lady in Vancouver, Washington laughing herself sick over Dottie. Mum says he is referring to Betty (Dottie's previous owner) and that Betty is not laughing, giggling perhaps but definitely not laughing. I really don't care myself as long as Dottie is the one being focused on for bad behavior. After all, anything that makes me look good cannot be all that bad!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ooooo, a giveaway! - Dozer

So doggie bloggy friends, march right on over to Corgi News and get your name in to win! Mum says we cannot stuff the ballot box so I am going to take all my entries and spread them around the living room for Mum to clean up.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Fierce Battle to Save the Bed! - Dozer

Finally Something for Me! - Dozer

This is what the award says:
It is very hard to decide who to pass this award so I am just going throw my list together and hope anyone forgotten is not offended.
Emmit the Pug
Monday, January 5, 2009
Present for Me? What a Good Idea! - Dozer
Melanie made a wonderful Sock Puppy for Mum to give as a present before Christmas which I thought we should have kept. I didn't even get to sniff it and apparently de-stuffing it was completely out of the question. I don't remember seeing a note from Melanie saying it was special and could not be played with. Mum ordered a second Sock Puppy for herself (they are made from gloves but Mum calls them Sock Puppies for some reason) and Melanie made one. I pointed out to Mum that it did not look the same as the first one and that perhaps Melanie had forgotten what they were supposed to look like. Mum said Sock Puppies are just like corgis, no two are the same. After I thought about it, I decided that made sense in a strange sewing-machine-stitching-artsy way.
I thought perhaps Sock Puppy would be given to me to play with but Mum immediately took his picture to send to friends and then she parked him on the arm of her lamp in her office. I cannot figure out what is going on because he looks like a toy, he sits like a toy so he should be mine!

Mum is a bit torn but Cooper says she will probably send the Corgi Puff onto Dottie's previous owner, Betty (click here to read about Betty). That is a very good idea in my book! We don't need Dottie getting any more airs than she already has.
Mum says we have to thank Melanie for Sock Puppy and the Corgi Puff....sheesh, okay, thank you Melanie. Maybe next time Melanie will remember to put care and use instructions when she sends these Sock Puppies out. I could be gnawing his eyes out if she had just put down that he was a toy and not a piece of art!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Heights in Embarrassment - Dozer
Here is what the grand prize looks like - and it appears to be a kitchen so I hope the Rubbermaid folks are not leaning towards awarding a kitchen the prize. Seriously, Mum does need help on so many fronts but I digress.

Mum sent in a picture similar to the one below. My pathetic looks should make the judges fold like a house of cards, especially after they read Mum's equally pathetic entry. The only good thing is that she did spell everything correctly.
The Entry:
"Somewhere in this clutter is a small Welsh Corgi. I am sure he is there, if only I could find him. I know that all my craft things will fit into the closet - after all it has the shelves already there! But I am in need of guidance as to how to do it.
This was a room as the result of a garage conversion, which was made into a very skinny bedroom. We turned it into my office/craft room. There are built-shelves, as well a bookcase, but things seemed to have gotten away from me. The upstart of the whole problem is that 1) I lose the dog on a daily basis, 2) I don't feel creative with all this clutter and 3) I am afraid if I die my mother will come to the house to console my husband and keel over when she sees this closet/room.
If I am deemed worthy of a closet re-organization you will save not only my sanity, but the life of a dog and my mother (plus other mourners she might drag to the house). The dog has a blog www.dozerandcoop.blogspot.com which is read by many, who would miss him."
Fortunately they had a limit on the length of the pleading part of the entry. If Mum had let me write it we would surely have won...with what she sent in..well, it doesn't bode well.
Pugs - Do They Have Necks or Not? - Dozer
I was surfing the Net the other day and found this video of confused puglets. (It is from Yahoo Videos and specifically StupidVideos.com which in no way means pugs are stupid) I had always thought corgis were superior to pugs because we had necks and pugs did not. As I tried to explain to Mum, necks are an important part of a dog's life because it is integral to accessorizing one's fashions. Without a proper neck it is difficult to wear scarves and bandanas to enhance... well, like my eyes. (This is when Mum started rolling her eyes for some reason)
So I ran smack dab into this video and was shocked to see that that if pugs don't have necks then they must be cousins to owls because they can roll their heads around like no one's business. I asked Mum how they do it and she said "It's a gift" so I guess it is something they got for Christmas. I tried imitating the pugs but I ended up looking a bit cockeyed. Mum also said if I threw my neck out that she was not taking me to the vet for physical therapy because all I do is flirt with the ladies.
I will write Howwee PeePants in Texas and find out if he has a neck and if he can roll his head around like these pugs.
Sleepy Sunday - Notes from Cooper