This ends our short but colorful look at 2008. Mum says we have to list some of the good things of 2008 and our resolutions for 2009.
Dozer Edwards:
I am thankful for all my bloggy friends I have met on-line. I am not going to name them because I might leave someone out and then I would feel bad. So Howie PeePants in Texas don't frown 'cause I didn't point you out.
In 2009 I will be nicer to Cooper and not pretend I am yawning and sneak a growl in. I will be nicer to Dottie and not ignore her. I will try and share more. I will continue to blog with abandon!
Cooper Edwards:
As always I am so thankful for my family that rescued me and loves me. In particular, I love Mum because she gives me back rubs on the bed.
I am thankful for my brother and sister. Even though Dozer is very self-centered and rude at times, he does make me laugh. I am thankful for Dottie because she defines grace and silent love. I am thankful for two meals a day, all my vet appointments and toys.
In 2009 I will take more walks and lose the muffin top I have developed around my middle. I will try to be patient with Dozer. I will try and stay away from the burr bush so my fur stays un-matted.
Dottie Edwards:
I am thankful I was adopted by my new parents. I am thankful that Mum takes me back to visit my old owner, Betty. These "open" adoptions are good for the soul. I am thankful for food, shelter and unconditional love, even when I eat poop.
In 2009 I will take more walks and try to go a little bit further each time. I will try and eat less poop and not bark at 5:20am when I want to come inside after breakfast. I will try and put up with Dozer.
I will continue to be Cooper's friend.
We wish one and all a Happy New Year. We have all so enjoyed meeting our new friends and reading your adventures. You are not strangers, just friends we have not met in person. May you have good health and good things in the coming months.
(Dozer's Mum)