Monday, August 25, 2008
Dots Sits Pretty

Sunday, August 24, 2008
We're Comin' Howie!
Willow and Wally are ready to make the trip to Texas with us to spring Howie. O

I thought it best to begin training slowly. To that end I am practicing my attack skills on cowboy hats in case Howie's Mum lets loose with a posse or a herd of cowboys. I know she is a painter but they can have a wild side, let me tell you!
Willow and Wally will be conduting their own regime to ready for our response to Howie's incarceration. Be patient big guy! We're coming!

Take that cowboy hat! I'll show you!
They Didn't Take Us!

*Sweet Home was originally named Buckhead but somewhere in time, actually around 1874 it was renamed to Sweet Home but no one knows why.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Difficult Days at Dozer's Den
Here we are undergoing adaptability testing for scampering through the tunnels we expect to encounter. Sadly, we do not seem to have the aptitude for anything except treats.
More tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Roachin' Proud Moment!
with an honorable mention in the "Roaching" competition.
We think her style and form pretty much says it all...
(pretty darn strange if you ask me, but I'm just a Corgi,
what would I know.)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Message For Mango
Mango, When I was at the vet, I went in the back and all the ladies wanted a piece of me. I mean, I may be short and shed a lot, but I know how to keep the ladies happy, if you get my drift. Anyway, the nice vet tech said "Let's take a walk" and I thought, "Why not?"
Well, let me tell you big guy, they got pee mail around that building that makes the United States Postal Service look like an amature operation! There were Poodle puddles, Mastiff meanderings, some Yorkie left a rant on having to wear pink and of course the usual "Call me" notes.
So, I'm out there checking the messages and had to leave a note of my own. Next I know, this vet tech whips out a ladle and catches my wee wee before it can hit the bush. I'm thinking this is one strange lady but hey, if it makes her happy, I can always make more. Right? I thought the vet tech wanted my wee as a remembrance of me, but apparently she had a plan to test it but failed to share that part with me. I figured it must be part of the "value added service" that the vet's office gives. I think the Cheese Whiz is more than enough service myself, but it seems to keep the pawrents happy spending lots of money to check my plumbing.
Mum isn't falling for the "I may be really, really sick" looks I keep throwing her way. She said crystals in the wee wee do not a sick Corgi make. Sounds like one of the stupid proverbs Mothers make up so they don't have to get out of their chair to get a treat for a starving dog!

Check out the soulful eyes, the gentle downturn of my mouth. If this doesn't elicit some extra treats then I am going to have to resort to more aggressive tactics.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Pathetic Day
So, off we go in the dogmobile to see my lady friends at Ark Veterinary Hospital in Philomath. We checked in and immediately the love begins. Lots of pets, tons of "he's soooo cute!", and some definite winks at my good looks.

We went to my favorite exam room which has the exam table that goes up and down from the floor. Like a silver elevator! The nice veterinary assistant took me into the back for a blood draw and my vaccine shot. All Mum could hear was hysterical laughter. When they brought me back Dr. B said I was a starving Corgi because I tried to eat everything from the plastic sheath on the thermometer to jumping up to see what was on the counter. Well, duh! Unfortunately when they weighed me I came in at 33 pounds, which is my fighting weight. So feigning starvation didn't work.
Dr. B found some yeast in my right ear which is always a troublesome issue. With the hot weather and humidity, it is not a surprise. Normally I wouldn't want anyone messin' about my ear, but Dr. B is another matter. What a lovely and deeply sensitive woman she is. No doubt everyone else at the Ark looks to her as a piller of veterinary skill. And as long as she keeps making me Cheese Whiz sandwiches, I will continue to spread more complimentary comments around the Web and I will remain her devoted boy.
After having my ear cleaned, Mum made an appointment for my yearly teeth cleaning on September 2nd. As long as Dr. B is in my mouth, I have no issues.

Howie, sorry I can't come rescue you right now, I have to go study for my wee wee exams.
Friday, August 15, 2008
No Word From Howee
Rescue Coordinator Dozer
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Free Howie! Write Your Congressman!

It is time to get a posse together and go save Howie. I tried to call the ASPCA but I haven't got thumbs either and I ended up dialing a 1-900 number and there was a very nice person at the end of the phone who promised all sorts of things until Mummy hung the phone up. I was just trying to help Howie, how could I know the lady named Bambi Delight wouldn't be able to help me? Mum can be so narrow sometimes.
Tonight if I had knees I would get on them and ask everyone at the Rainbow Bridge to help me get Howie out of lock up. But Corgis haven't got knees, we haven't even got much of legs. So get the word out and sign up (to the right) and let us know if we can count you in to save this poor pug in Texas.
Howee's message:
Hey, Willow, Dozer, can you call the double a ess pee cee aye??? I don't got no thumbs and I'm locked up here in The Time Outs Zone fur fartin. It ain't rite!!!!!!yer good pal awaiting extradition,Bad Pee
River is our BFF!

When you receive the BFF Gold Card you have to pass it onto 5 (count'em 5) friends. And this is a little tough because we have a lot of bloggy friends but we have whittled the names down to our short list.
1. Howie and the Fatties in Texas. Howie is currently incarcerated and may be able to use the card as a "Get Out of Jail Card". We love Howie and his sibs - and their mother's artwork is incredible! Who knew Texas had so many colors? Click here to visit them.
2. Moxie and Izzie, the Corgi Lounge girls. These guys crack us up every day. We love their antics and pictures. They just make us smile. Click here to visit them.
3. The gang at Preppy Pugs! BOL! How can you not love a pug rescue family? Plus their Mum is a nurse so probably have really cool stuff that they take out of her purse like stethoscopes and tongue depressors. Click here to visit them.
4. Lenny @ Wire Wise is the most creative dog we have ever met. He and his Mum are doing the Paw-limpics and we are just in awe of their talent. We are lucky to have them as our friends! Click here to visit them.
5. PEANUTS! Who doesn't love Peanuts? We all love him and his brother, Flash! I am one with Peanuts - who needs a brother when there is so much of us to love! Click here to visit them.
6. Willow is also really special to us. We love his looks and his attitude on life. He plays dress-up too which makes him like family. And he farts...just like us! Whooo hoo! Willow rocks! Click here to visit him.
Thank you River! We've passed on the love!
Dogs Rule
Mum had never seen this video before and almost had an accident because it made her laugh so hard. I think it definitely highlights the power and presence of dogs. Once Howie and Willow and I get together we will make a video of choral farting. I wonder if there is still smell-o-vision?
I Fart Because I Can

Your Mother got Willow's ire up! Check out what he thinks. Me, I think we can go to Willow's house and have a great time! BOL! Thhhhrrrrppp!
Time outs for farting? What the crap is that about??? EVERYONE in our house would be in time out if we lived at Howies house. Howie.....dude....our door is open to you buddy. My mommy allows farting and we rate ours. Nope, no time outs here.
Fart away,Willow
Paw-Limpic Remarks
Howie gives the rings a 9.0 *stands up and raises card up high from judge's booth* He said you should get DOUBLE TREATS for your hard work. Mommysnorts gets a 7.0 *Howie holds up card with 7.0 on it* and makes farting noise. Howie's mom puts Howie in times outs for that.
Finally Recognized as a Master

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It's all about...ME!
(Imagine the swelling music of the Rocky theme slowly rising in volume..
Monday, August 11, 2008
I've Won the Bronze! Wooooo Hooooo!
My toilette on seaweed and kelp at the beach helped me win the bronze in the Pee-mail competition too. I'm sure it was my form that the judges saw and f

The competition in Paw-limpics is incredible. The gold and silver medal winners are what I hope to achieve as I continue to train for this prestigious competition. I can't believe my pal Sparky isn't here (what a time to go on vacation!) but I will make sure Mango, Izzie, Moxie, River, The Saints and the Fatties see my medal.
It is silly but this made Mum's day! She sent an email to everyone in the family with the link to the Paw-limpics. She said sometimes it is just the little things in life that make a day go from ordinary to simply extraordinary. But she says bribing the judges is completely out of the question. It was just a thought...

Bitey-Face with the red dinosaur brought me a bronze. This is when I had him on the ropes and he was about to cry "Uncle!"
I won the bronze in the Pee-Mail competition too. Check out the leg lift in this picture. I had to stand tippy-toe because I have short legs but sometimes you have to give it your all to achieve your dreams.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Waitin' for River's Mummy

Picking on Cooper
and make fun of him. Check out skinny Minny!
Somebody's hair got cut off! BOL!

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Burr Under My Butt

Mum took one look and called the groomer because this was bigger than she could handle. The groomer looked at Coop and said she would try and save as much hair as possible but Coop was a real mess. (Well, I could have told her that much!)
So Mum left Cooper at the "salon" for three hours. They did leave some fur on his legs but pretty much everything else got shaved off 'cause he had made such a mess.
While Coop was at the "salon" Mum and I went out in the backyard and pulled out all the Queen Anne's Lace and another bush that had burrs on it. It was a huge pile by the time we got done. (Honestly, if it weren't for me, I don't know how these things would get done at all.)
Cooper came home at 4pm and smelled like a cheap floozie. They put this green bow on him and he looked like a shaved peach with a bow tie. Mum says he is very soft but I am just embarressed. And if Cooper had any sense he would be too.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Sweet Mother! We've Hit The Motherload!
so she gave us each a parsnip which looks like a carrot
but is really much chewier and very tasty.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
We're on a Rampage!
We have tried to subsist on the small bowls of kibble,
but we are starving...yes, literally starving to death.
So we took matters into our own paws...

Hmm, what have we here?

I think not!

what good stuff they are throwing out.

baby apart in two shakes!

scooting the coffee grounds towards the door.
And for dessert, let's take some breath freshner
out of Mum's purse and give it a chew as well!