It is hard to believe this is our 400th blog entry - where did the time go? Exactly what I said to Mum! I thought a party was in order and she said perhaps we could have a giveaway. I said "That's a grand idea! Let's give Cooper away!" I perceived from Mum's stare and silence that perhaps this is not the giveaway she has in mind.
We've seen a lot of fashion in 400 blog entries - what can I say, I wear clothes well.
Steal a couple of pairs of socks and you are on a wanted poster.
They say any publicity is good publicity so we'll assume this will work for me.
They say any publicity is good publicity so we'll assume this will work for me.

This here is another example of Cooper moving in on my territory.
He is a constant burr under my butt!
This here is Cooper sleeping on the job - need I say more?
Okay so here is the giveaway. Leave a comment and you are automatically in the running for a gift package from me. It doesn't matter if you are a dog or kit kat or even another species - we'll make your gifts germane to your kind. Mum will make sure that when she draws names out of a hat (or bowl) that I am not allowed to "stuff the ballot box" so everything will be fair and square. If you live across the pond (in another country) you are welcome to join in too. We'll draw the name on Wednesday night and inform the winner on Thursday with an email and an announcement on my blog...okay, Coop and my blog. (It really is all about me though).