Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Don't give your day job Mum - from Dozer

Monday, June 29, 2009
This contest was made for me - Dozer
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Scottie Tongue Challenge - Cooper

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday Doings - Notes from Dozer

Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
There is no smoking in our house! Who told the squirrels they could smoke in the house?
There is no playing on the bedsteads!
There is no playing on the kitchen counters!
There is no playing in the garage!
Dear Tank, Mango, Howie PeePants, Sweetie, Sugar et al,
Goodness knows I do not want to put a damper on the War on Squirrels but enough is enough!
I do not like coming home and finding dozens of squirrels smoking in the house, playing Hearts and Crazy Eights, while munching on nuts and celery with peanut butter spread. (who pray tell is going to get the peanut butter out of the couch cushions? Hmm? Answer me that!)
You all know that you are not allowed to use matches and yet I find cigars, cigarettes and pipes littering the house. The curtains reek of smoke and there are ashes in all the flower pots. And the wisteria plant doesn't look well at all!
Filling the bathtub full of hot water and using it as a hot tub is not appropriate behavior on anyone's part. Warming towels in the oven is a HUGE NO-NO! Towels are flammable which means you could have burned the house down!
Ordering pizzas, DVD's and rental cars on my credit card is not funny.No one needs to order five copies of Die Hard and Charlotte's Web, we only have three televisions - what were you doing with the other copies? And by the way, those DVD's are now overdue and have charges.
As of this afternoon, all the squirrels have been removed from the house and are now on flights out of the State of Oregon. Fortunately the Department of the Interior has sympathy whereas I find you all have none. Your behavior by inciting this so called "war" is questionable. I am sure PETA would be very interested in this "war" and how it is being conducted.
Dozer, Dottie and Cooper have been undergoing intensive therapy, the cost of which must be borne by me. The house is a wreck, the toilet has a birdfeeder wedged in it, and there is squirrel hair everywhere. While I am sure you all find this wildly amusing, I do not.
There will be no more squirrel wars in our neighborhood. Dozer herewith resigns as your "Northwest Regional Commander" and everyone's helmets have been locked up.
Don't bother calling, everyone's phone privileges have been revoked and Dozer, Dottie and Cooper are grounded until further notice.
I am sure your parents would be very interested to know what this little game has cost in terms of the condition of our home, let alone having to pay for therapy for three dogs because they now want to have squirrels over for sleepovers.
Nancy, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper's Mum
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Deprogramming 101 - Notes from Dozer

Despicable Behavior - notes from Dozer
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Insidious Squirrels! - Notes from Dozer

has fallen to our prey's wiley ways!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
News from the Front

Sunday, June 14, 2009
We Have Been Overrun! Send HELP!

(Mother's Note: Dozer did not get bitten by a squirrel. He does not have "squirrel cooties". He has a staph infection on his paw and he is getting lots of antibiotics and other medicine. He is not in ICU nor is his life in an danger.)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Time Out to Say Good-Bye - from Cooper
We met Rascal on Dogster.com and while we never met in person, because he lived in Iowa and we hang out in Oregon, we felt like he was an old friend. We dog-mailed and shared pictures and got to be great pals. So we say "Good-bye" old friend! We will see you on the Bridge in the twinkling of an eye. Lots of prayers for your parents tonight - but don't worry, we will take good care of them for you. Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Such a majestic pose from such a naughty corgi! BOL!

Rascal got lots of holidays in with his parents!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Message to Mango
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Whack A Squirrel - Regional Commander Reporting
NW Regional Command - Report from Commander Dozer, Esq.
Commandant Tank:
(Click here for the Main Site for Whack-A-Squirrel)
Herewith is the report of the NW Regional Command on the Squirrel Wars. As instructed, I have recruited staff to help with the ongoing battles with the squirrels. Thank you for sending our flak jackets and helmets. They have been of incredible help during the daily skirmishes with the long-tailed rodents of the trees.

In-charge of communications and supplies

The following are images captured on our last reconnaissance raid:

We continue to need more recruits for the NW Region and gratefully request that any canines available please contact us as soon as possible.
Over and Out,
Regional Commander Dozer Edwards, Esq.
300th Post but Shhh, it is Sleepy Sunday

Dozer won't lie down and take a nap so he doesn't get his picture in the blog today (hee, hee). Love, Cooper