We have a big package from Moco but Mum says we will wait to open it until later in the week. We are..what did Mum say?...Oh, we are just living in the moment with Dottie and taking each day as it comes. Thank you for all your nice thoughts and prayers.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Quiet Weekend _ Cooper's Notes
We have a big package from Moco but Mum says we will wait to open it until later in the week. We are..what did Mum say?...Oh, we are just living in the moment with Dottie and taking each day as it comes. Thank you for all your nice thoughts and prayers.
Friday, March 27, 2009
It is Good
Dottie came home last night at 5:14pm and immediately ran out into the yard and rolled in the grass. She is on a special dog food and antibiotics but otherwise is back to her old self. And her tail has not stopped wagging. It is good to have an old dog home. (Mum)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday Update on Dottie
Currently Miss Dots is napping happily at the vet's office. I sent her a message to steal everything out of the mini-bar because this is the most expensive hotel she will ever stay in and we might as well take everything we can get our paws on! LOL!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pee-Wonderful - Dottie's Mom
I called Dottie's previous owner, Betty, who was relieved to hear Dottie made it through everything but told me not to spend too much money on her. Well, how could anyone not spend money on a dog that revels in mealtime, herds her parents around, barks at the moon, jumps like a bunny when she is happy and lives to nap in the sun? The only person who loves Dottie more than me is Betty and since Betty is 87 years old, I am not going to let her beloved dog have anything less than the best care.
Not sure what the bill will be but I will pay it - probably about what Dozer's leg surgery cost. Not exactly sure how I am going to pay it but I will find a way. All the is important is that Dottie gets to lie in the spring sun again.
10am Update on Dottie - from Mom
If the vet cannot use a catheter to move the large stone from the urethra back up into the bladder then I am afraid I will have to put Dots down. She is too old and her heart could not take the surgery to cut open her urethra - and the recovery would be painful and her quality of life would diminish day by day. Dr. Williams said if it were her dog she would have to make the same decision. So we hope that our grand lady's stone will move upwards and out!
Her heart rate is a bit slower than it should be right now but she is alert and relatively comfortable. They will give her pain meds before catheterizing her. Right now all she wants to do is empty her bladder.
Thanks for all the nice comments - your support means a lot.
Dottie Very Sick - Cooper On-Board
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Breakfast in Bed - Notes from Dozer Dog
Breakfast is our favorite meal of the day, right after dinner of course. I prefer to eat my breakfast in bed, while others in the family maintain eating breakfast in the kitchen is the way to start the day. Whatever the case, a good dental chewie after kibble, cleanses the palate and gives one’s tummy the satisfaction of a good chew. This is all in preparation of a good morning nap, which for today is needed because it is grey and rainy here in
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sleepy Sunday - Notes from Nancy
Cooper's Rubdown from Nancy Edwards on Vimeo.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ooo, Fun Giveaway! - Cooper's Notes
How did I find out about this giveaway? From my new friend at Expressly Corgi! (click here) who has a great blog and more giveaway sites. We love her background, it is very Welsh looking.

The Brat Pack Pawty! - News from Dozer
I had a terrible time figuring out what I wanted to wear to the party. I tried on all sort of outfits (see below) until finally Cooper said we had to go or we would be late and I ended up just wearing my Hawaiian shirt. Cooper doesn't understand that it isn't easy to be trendy and I couldn't show up wearing something non-descript if I wanted Samantha dog to see me in the crowd. Mum said no one could have missed me - I was like a runway light on a clear night. I think that is a good thing but sometimes Mum says things that sound good but aren't really.
Thank you again Brat Pack! You guys rock!

Friday, March 20, 2009
Awesome Dog Blog! - Cooper's Notes

I have to get ready for the Brat Pack's party tonight. You're coming aren't you? See you there!
First Day of Spring - Cooper's Notes to You
As you may know today is the first day of Spring! And I for one am glad to welcome it into our yard. We made you a movie so you can watch us eat the new spring grass which is very sweet and nummmy. I love to eat grass, it is right up there with paper products! BOL! (Mum says to tell you the video is only a minute or so long and that the music is called Somewhere Sunny. She says humans like to know these things. I want to know where I can get more grass!)
First Day of Spring from Nancy Edwards on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
BRB (Be Right Back) - Cooper
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Too Much Rain - Need Sun! ~ Dozer
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Molly Mutt Dog Beds - Cooper & Dottie

Cards for Pets

World's Oldest Dog - from Cooper

March 12, 2009
(Photo Courtesy of Denice Shaughnessy)
PORT JEFFERSON STATION, N.Y. -- She's 20 in human years, or 140 in dog years, making Chanel the Daschund the oldest living dog, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Chanel, who turns 21 in May, was awarded the honor last spring.
"She's the oldest dog we have ever seen," said the dog's veterinarian Phillip Zangara, of the Roosevelt Animal Hospital in Port Jefferson Station, N.Y. "She is defying every odd right now. I'm surprised at just about everything about her."
As an elderly lady, Chanel lives a low-key existence; she rarely leaves her owners' suburban Long Island home, let alone tiled kitchen, and struggles with getting around on her own.
She suffers from cataracts, as well as poor hearing; recently, her body mass has begun to deteriorate. Yet Chanel's physical ailments are relatively minute, given her advanced age.
"She's an old lady," explained one of her owners, Karl Shaughnessy, 44, a former New York City police officer. "You treat her like you would treat your grandmother. You have to treat her that way. You keep her sweater on at nighttime."
Aside from the occasional ear infection along the way, Chanel remains as healthy as could be, with Zangara signing off on her vital organs as in perfect condition.
"She has the body of a 6-year-old," Zangara said.
Shaughnessy's wife, Denice, adopted Chanel from an animal shelter in Virginia when she was just 6-weeks-old. Denice, then 30, was serving as a court reporter in the Army. She rescued Chanel for her 12-year-old daughter, but the dog quickly took to Denice, instead.
Chanel has always been athletic, Denice Shaughnessy says, recalling how they used to run three-to-four miles a day together.Nearly 21 years later, Shaughnessy and Chanel still enjoy walks around the neighborhood -- but now, Chanel often has to be carried.
"We don't have to take her outside to 'go,' and we don't take her out at all in the wintertime," Shaughnessy said. "We try to protect her as much as we can."
"This dog is a real work of art," he concluded.
In the summertime, because of her cataracts, Chanel is outfitted with a pair of "doggles," or tinted goggles designed for dogs, when she puts around the backyard. When it is especially sunny, Chanel will also don a small sun visor around her furry head.She still has "a calm disposition," Denice Shaughnessy says, though as the dog has gotten older, she has proved less tolerant of people infringing on her personal space.
Most Daschunds live to be around 14 to 16, the vet approximated. He said that the smaller the dog, the longer the life, but that general rule of thumb only partially explains Chanel's longevity; she is, after all, nearly 30 pounds."Good genes" and quality home care are the only two factors that could partially account for Chanel's long life.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Shameful Website - Cooper's Rant

Now I realize that I am an older dog and you young pups may think I am set in my ways, but this is not a "service", it is a disservice to the many wonderful dogs that train and provide service to all the people in the world who really need it. To buy a fake vest just so you can take your pet into the shoe store because it is more convenient for you is shameful.
I've gotten myself a little hot under the collar so Mum says I need to go have a little nap while she figures out how to contact these folks and in a nice way give them a piece of her mind. (I love it when Mum gets a burr under her butt and gets her Thesaurus out to tell folks six ways to Sunday how naughty they are!)

Monday, March 9, 2009
Working for the Snuggle Puggle Today
Working for SP is hard work. First I have to decide what exactly I am going to do for SP and if I can do it well. Technically we are supposed to "snuggle". I talked to Cooper because he is better read and he says a lot of things are covered in "snuggle" so we can make the word work for us. So here are our pictures for today while we work for the Snuggle Puggle.

Check out Coop's snuggle stance. Rear leg position should count
for some extra points, don't you think? Are there
points involved with this? Coop says no.

This is me on snuggle duty. I am watching for wayward
snuggles and will capture them should they
make their way into the yard. I don't know
what a snuggle looks like but Coop will
let me know.
Party Invites - Cooper's Notes

Oh I forgot to mention, to those who might not be aware, this is a "virtual" party. We will all attend on the web and visit The Brat Pack at their blog
during the party hours (or any time you want to). If you RSVP you go into a drawing for a prize or treats and there will be all sorts of fun things that will happen during the pawty. The only requirement will be a sense of fun! (You do not need to be present to win, but it is so much more fun to bark Yipee! when it actually happens and you win something!)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sleepy Sunday - Pictures by Mum, Sleep by Everyone else
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Heartbreak of the Sore Leg - Dozer

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Let's Celebrate Corgis - 'Cause We're Cute!

Browsing for Beds - Dozer

Mum says she already has my “number” and I am not getting a Sleep Number Dog Bed and the closest I will get to it will be traction where she ties me up to keep me quiet. This is the sort of atitude that is keeping our economy in the doldrums. Here I am, a poor, injured, dejected corgi trying to massage the economy, lift
(big sigh) I am going to go take a nap and then I am calling the toll free number to see if they will take a credit card order. I will get my vet to write a prescription for it or for one of those scooters they advertise. The Scooter Store says that if they can’t get your insurance to okay it, they will give a scooter to you and I figure I should get one. Then I can break out from this house and head down the road to the kibble factory!
If the shoe fits - Cooper's Notes

Mum took pictures and I will get those up later today - Dozer looks completely pathetic, which he is really good at when he wants treats. Mum says she finally got a decent picture of me with my new topknot. If Dozer would quit laughing at me I might be able to retain some sense of dignity but he keeps calling me his "Hotten Tot Topknot". Dottie keeps giggling and Mum says it is not nice to make fun of other people's appearances. Like Dozer ever listens!
I would like to pass this award on to a new kid on the blog block and hope you will visit Tr

Thank you Tibby for our award and being such a neat friend. We love Tibby's header on her page because it reminds us of the great artic explore Roald Amundsen - the fur coat, the look of adventure in her eye, the black and white photography - doesn't it make you think the merry Tibster is leading the arctic adventurers to their destination? We think Roald would have had a lot more success with Tibby at the helm, although he was the first person to reach the North and South poles. But every great explorer needs a good looking dog with fashion sense, don't you agree? Of course you do!
I will sign off now because Mum is still working her desk and the front desk at work. This flu is nothing to sneeze at and Mum thanks everyone for their good thoughts - she hasn't even had a sniffle!
Love, Cooper Edwards
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dog Art - Cooper's Musings

Monday, March 2, 2009
Pig in a Blanket - The Movie
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sleepy Sunday - Dozer's Notes