So's Mum picked me up yesterday and spent a bunch of time with my doctor, Jennifer. I have to do those stupid exercises again. And I have to wear this stupid donut around my neck too.
I am not supposed to put any weight on my leg for 8 weeks while it heals because I could break the bone. And I have to be in my cage.
When I am allowed out I have to have a sling around my mid-section so Mum can hold my leg off the ground.
Every 3-4 hours Mum is going to run home from work and put frozen peas (in the bag) on my knee to reduce the swelling and do some of those stupid exercises.
This sucks. And I am not happy. Hence the reason I tried to bite Mum's hand this morning when she started those stupid exercises.
Someone send me a file so I can saw my way through these bars and escape.