The next d
ay we set off again. Mum and Uncle Anthony were really tired because Cousin Benny and I barked our fool heads off most of the night at any little noise we heard. Coop seemed a bit tired as well and he tucked into Benny's bed and slept most of the day. We made lots of potty spots and water. Mum said we needed to drink more water than usual because of the change in temperature.

By 6:30pm we were pulling into Happy Trails where Mum
and Dad have our house and we jumped all over Dad. It was a great time and we were really happy to be home, although totally confused as to where exactly we were. I tried to stay awake and play but before long I had fallen asleep on the couch with my walking vest on.

The next day, Dad and Mum took Cooper and me to the Dog Park in Surprise, Arizona. It was sooo much fun! We ran around and chased tennis balls while Mum talked to new friends, some of whom live at Happy Trails.

When we need to go outside, Mummy takes us outside and down the lane to the dog run that Happy Trails has and we sniff the tumbleweeds and leave messages. The cactus are kind of confusing, so sharp and so un-pee'd upon! Cooper is a lot of braver and barges right into the cactus but I choose to skirt the issue.
Christmas was great! Cooper waited for Santa but fell asleep before he came. Mum took us to the Dog Park again and we played with 5 West Highland Terriers who were great fun. There were three pugs, a greyhound and a bunch of other dogs too.
We will be leaving the day after tomorrow to return to Oregon which will be sad because we have to say good-bye to Dad but we will see him again soon. Mum and Uncle Anthony will try and be home by Friday so Mummy has a couple of days to get things organized before she goes back to work.
Hope everyone had a nice holiday and a Happy New Year!