We won't go into the graphic description of Mum's stomach flu, but suffice to say, it was not pretty. Dad was in Seattle so it was up to Coop and me to take care of Mum. We got the big Coke bottle out and poured that down her and it helped settle her tummy. Then we spent about three days of napping, watching telly and napping some more.
Before Mum's demise we did have a nice Christmas and I have the pictures to prove it.

The Christmas mantle. We aren't allowed to have a tree since a rather bad incident when I was a pup. (There were no witnesses so it is their word against mine).

I bought Mum a humungous, giganormous box of dog cookies. She was delighted with my gift. As was I.

Mum and Dad opening presents while Coop and I circle them.

Coop is such a lap hog..

Dad inspecting his gifts. He got a bunch of DVD's of old shows that are no longer on television. (big sigh) So boring if you ask me.

Oh look, who's the lap hog again?

The heck with this Christmas business, let's tear up some cardboard!

Whooo hooo! I got the box, I got the box!

Die box, die, die, die!

Just have to get a purchase on this box and it is history!
Hope you had a nice Christmas and we send our best wishes for the New Year!