It has rained so much that our backyard is becoming a rice paddy. Dottie doesn't mind it so much but I don't like to have wet feet all day. Cooper is just sleeping through it. I got on the Internet and checked our upcoming weather and it is supposed to keep on raining. I know it helps the garden but it is also bringing out the snails and slugs and personally I find them a bit revolting. Mum is getting the slug bait out because I refuse to pick up slugs and stomp on them. I took a picture of this one on the recycling bin. It may be all sparkly and cute with its shell, but it eats the lettuce so it has no place in my garden. Besides they are slimey and make my tummy go all wiggly inside.

Please send sunshine quick. Real quick.
Dear DozerBritches - this here is your good pal Howie Pee. Them slugs are DELISHUSH. Crunchy outside, chewy centers, I can't decide if I like to eat them more or less than June bugs. *smacks lips in appreciation just at the thought*
Im getting pretty sick of the rain myself. Pretty soon we are going to have to build an ark for our dogs!
Our weather always seems the opposite to yours..we are finally enjoying some sunshine!!
Oregon's state animal or so we think most of the time. It does rival the beaver.
Mom says to think of it as God refilling the water you splashed out of your pool playing the other day...
It's always to dry for slugs and snails here I think. I've seen them in town at Mimi's but not our in corgi country. Mom says they are yummy cooked with garlic butter, but then she is a bit strange at times. OC
Hiya Dozer. When the sun makes it to your house, would you send some of it here? We are sick of the rain too. ^..^
We get those slimy little things without the cool shells... they make mom shriek. Then she puts beer out for them. We still haven't figured why she's letting them party.
Hi Dozer, we has those snails and slugs too. I don't like slugs because they're no fun to play with and they get your paws all slimy. We've had rain for 8 days straight, then one afternoon of sun, and now it's supposed to rain some more.....good thing we live on top of a hill!!
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