In an effort to make my Mum aware of my delicate condition and need for foodstuffs, I have brought one of the tomatoes from the garden into her craft room. I am consuming it on the floor of said craft room. Half a cup of kibble twice a day is not enough for a corgi to subsist on. I have been reduced to eating vegetables.

Apparently it is best to let the tomatoes ripen to a full red colour. The green ones fight back. (Dad says if I get sick tonight there will be hell hotstuff stuff to pay. I cannot control my tummy, it will do what it will do.
Please, if you can spare some food, email me via the comments section of this blog and I will send you my mailing address. I am not going to last long. With the heat, humidity and lack of fud, I am fading fast (cough, cough).
Please, if you can spare some food, email me via the comments section of this blog and I will send you my mailing address. I am not going to last long. With the heat, humidity and lack of fud, I am fading fast (cough, cough).
I SO feel for you Dozer! IF I had ANY food to spare, I would send some to you, but I don't think I'm even getting THAT much kibbles! I do get some bits of Chicken Breast Jerky here an there and the carrots I've mentioned before, but I don't move fast enough anymore to steal... um... borrow food from the other's bowls, and besides, I'm usually locked in my cage... um... separated from Sadie anyway while they are eating. Grammy has the nerve to say she doesn't trust me! OC
Oh Dozer, surely your Mom can tell from the look of you that you're about to waste away!
Toodle pip!
Dozer, we would be happy to mail you food, we can see you are wasting away.
To be reduced to eating tomatoes is something that shakes us to the core.
We are worried that our food may not arrive in time ...... or be intercepted by a human!
Let us know the best way to get it to you.
your friends in need
Martha and Bailey xxx
That is very sad to see. Tomatoes should only be consumed as part of pizza. The fact that you would eat one clearly shows that you are starving. I would gladly send you some of PeeWee's foodables...
I will get a care package together as soon as possible!
Nubbin wiggles,
What would you like Dozer? Will mango ice cream do? I just saw Mummy have some n can convince her to mail u some.
Especially because we just did our 101st post and we are here to say 'THanks' for being our friend. You were amonst our earliest friend and we came over to say thanks.
Wish we were more regular in visiting blogs, we could have helped u earlier!!!
hold on there, we will do something...
Ginger n Buddy
You poor starving pup!! We can tell by the photos that you're just hours from starvation. . . is that a rib we see??? How about a nice big can of baked beans? *giggle*
I sure hopes you gets food soon!
Oh poor guy. I can't believe you have had to resort to tomatoes! I agree with Mango, they should only be eaten with pizza or spaghetti!
Maybe if you eat more tomatoes and leave stains on the carpet your mom will feed you more kibble! It's worth a shot dude!
Our two eat most veggies and fruits I offer, however, with the exception of spinach. Spinach they walk on....?
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