Dozer here:
Mum has brought Dottie home and she is sort of with us. Mum says Dottie is going to be sleepy for a while and needs to rest because she still is getting past the anesthesia. Dots has been crying a bit but then she puts her head down and sleeps a little. She will be better tomorrow. Until then she has to stay in her room so she doesn't fall down or hurt herself.

"She loves talking with people and prides herself on providing great customer service. Her dog Bronx was adopted from Heartland Humane Society and is a professional beggar by nature. She also has four cats: Ziggy, Brooklyn, Meko, and Kaya." (from the Ark website)
These are the culprits in our tale of woe. (See below) The big boulder was a centimeter in diameter and brought along a bunch of little friends when he left Dottie.
Dottie is going on special food starting tomorrow and she has to take antibiotics twice a day to get better.
Shhh, Dottie is asleep. We'll write more later. Night and thank you for your thoughts and prayers (they worked!), Love from your favortie naughty corgi, Dozer
Poor Dottie. I hope she's feeling better tomorrow.
Poor girl! We hope you feel better soon!
Poor Baby...Glad the stones came out ok...and we are keeping her in our prayers for fast healing!
oh my gravy! miss dottie, you poor thing! i'm glad your nice vet lady was able to get some of those ouchie stones out! please sleep tight, and i hope you are feelin' better tomorrow morning.
the booker man
So glad that it all went well! Be nice to Dottie until she's feeling all better! Feel better, Dottie!
*kissey face*
Get well soon, Dottie!
Feel better soon, Dottie!
we are going to be sending healing vibes your way so she can be up and running again furry much soon. poor sweet woggie baby. give her slobbery sugars from ush ok??
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Oh Dottie! I missed your scary night of pacing. I am so glad that you are home. Those stones are HUGE! That must have hurt so much. Hope you will get better soon. You are a wonderful gal. Hang in there.
We are so glad to hear that everything went off well.
Sleep tight, Dottie. We hope u will be up and running n be your usual fun self soon
heaps of healing thoughts n licks n wags,
buddy and ginger
Feel better soon sweet Dottie!
Gentle hugs,
Kit and Pups
Miss Dottie,
I was wondering if you slept off that anesthesia? Ya feelin' better today??
Scary for all, glad it's over and Dottie girl is getting better.
MY... Those DO look painful! We are so glad that you are being nice enough to spend so much of your blog to keep us up on Dottie's condition! Have they said anything about specific things NOT to feed so that those nasty things don't develop? Inquiring minds want to know... I'm sure YOU don't want to find out how Dottie felt! Thanks for being so sweet to Dottie, Dozer!
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