Normally this is Sleepy Sunday and we nap but this was no ordinary Sunday. Nope, today was 'get out in the yard and plant the vegetable garden, play in the pool, eat the grass and roll around" Sunday. There are a lot of pictures so we best get started right away.
This is me looking up at Uncle Anthony who sprayed me with the hose. I tried to bite the hose and then I tried to bite the water and then I was all wet. I love water so it was a good time.
The pool is out! The pool is out! Mr. Fire Hydrant went for a swim, as did my green ball and my stuffed ball - which isn't supposed to get wet.
This is Cooper eating the grape hyacinth. He started with grass and then decided the flowers didn't taste so bad either.
Here he is taking a big bite out of something. I bet Mum would like it if he ate the dandelions.
Coop was getting tired but he kept on munching. He is out of practice over the long winter. He should really work up to this sort of thing.
This is Coop's lie down approach. He gets at eye-level with the plants.
Uh oh, Coop is getting tired but he keeps on munching.
Well, that's it then. The Coop has fallen asleep mid-chew. Shhh, we'll just let him sleep for a bit.
Meanwhile Dottie was rolling around the yard enjoying the sunshine. She fell yesterday and scared herself, but Mum said she is okay, just a little hesitant. So we aren't supposed to run around and confuse her unless we are outside and Mum is there. Whatever!
This is me and Dad on the porch swing. I still am not allowed to play fetch but we play ball where I catch the green ball in my mouth. Not as fun as fetch but better than nothing.
This is our vegetable garden. There are two kinds of lettuce on the left and peas and beans on the right.
Mum spent most of her time yelling at Cooper and me to get out of the dirt and to stop digging. Then she put this fencing up and zip-tied it so we can't get in. Where's the fun in that?

Corgi's Day out in Oregon...looks like y'all had a great day.
Dottie sure is a beauty.
Dozer is a rip snort, isn't he?
Coop cracks me up, falling asleep in the flowers!
What a great post and your pictures are awesome. Nothing like a little grazing! It's not quite that green here but we are getting closer!
Haroooo pals!
Mum wanted to make sure we mentioned she's totally jealous you're already able to plant... in the years when Mum was actually on top of things enough to be ready to plant this early in our neck of the woods, we've always gotten a late frost! Argh!
Ahem, back to the topic at hand... adorable pups, like you three! Coop, you look just lovely with all those grape hyacinths... I bet you smelled lovely after romping in them too. Dotty, you're just the best, we'd come roach in the grass with you any day. And doz, that pic of you sitting on some patio furniture, that's where you'll usually find us! We'd be great porch sittin' pals buddy!
Coop is a regular little landscaper. Nice that you opened up the pool so that you could cool off your short little self.
You are brave to get up on that porch swing. It looks a bit scary to me.
We are glad Dottie is alright after her fall - poor dog!
We loved the porch swing - we have always thought that would be a lovely way to while a way the hours!
Bailey eats flowers too - never weeds!
We have a lovely azalea which she seems to have taken a liking too.
We dogs are so strange sometimes - looked like a lovely day in Oregon.
Martha & Bailey xx
Those are great pictures guys!! I'm glad you got to play outside, it's the bestest time isn't it??
Mom's going nutty looking at all your beautiful pictures and not having a camera herself right now except the OLD kind and now place that will make them up in less than a week... by then they are OLD news!!!
Seriously,though,your pics are just wonderful. Dozer, you're a real hunk and Dottie is so beautiful... She really reminds me of my Mama, Mist. Makes me miss her even more since it is close to Mother's Day. OC
I'm sooooo glad Dottie is feeling better! I was worried about her :)
I can't wait for our veggies to grow. If only our weather would decide what it wants to do! It's been crazy around here hasn't it! I swear, next week we'll have snow *G*
Lovely lovely photos of the Dogs out enjoying Spring! We're glad to see Dottie much better and the vegetable patch coming along nicely!
If you need any help in diggin the patch out, give us a holler ;)
Licks and Wags
The Dog Woods Pack
Hello, we just found your blog and thought we'd say hi. You all look very cute.
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